Financial Dispute

Financial services disputes

This page only includes the issues related to financial services we offer to you. Indian Heritage’s financial services are services that relate to aspects how we hold your money. We always aim at providing the safe, efficient and accurate transactions. If you have concerns, queries or have experienced a service which didn't meet your expectations please let us know, and we will do our best to help you.

If you are not happy with how we have provided a financial service, please email us at

It is important that your complaint is documented and that you provide us with accurate information regarding the details of the complaint so that we can try and resolve your issue. We will acknowledge your complaint by return email and will work with you to try and agree how to resolve your complaint. Our complaint acknowledgement will give you more detail about the process that will follow. We are supposed to maintain a clear record of how we deal with your complaint. So that we can do this, we intend to communicate with you about your complaint by email/in writing.

If we have not been able to resolve your complaint you can lodge it with ASIC.